March 5, 2013

It's a good day when . . .

. . . Phil Bildner comes to visit and he's just as AWESOME as you anticipated. 

It's a great day when, one week later,
 you're still "high" from his visit!

Extremely Grainy Pic from Liberty Lady

I used to think, "Author visits, take em' or leave em'." Authors, I thought, share their craft and work ethic, but their words are often lost on young students. I witnessed many students (boys, mostly) tune out during an author talk.

Then we hosted Trenton Lee Stewart, Toni Buzzeo, and Patricia MacLachlan. All in one school year. GAME CHANGERS!

Students recently shared with me their love of this yearly event. One boy told me it's the highlight of his year. Who knew? (Not me, I'm the dope.) Obviously, I get bogged down by the planning and then hold my breath until presentations are made--meanwhile forgetting to ENJOY the visit.

Phil rocked our library world this year. Boys were cheering for books. Girls were cheering about writing. Teachers were cheering for Phil! Phil's energy is contagious and his message was clear: you CAN write, you SHOULD read, and BE yourself.

Image from TitlePeek
Image from TitlePeek
My favorite is the "Sluggers" series by both Phil and Loren Long. I suppose it took me by surprise. Expecting a "boy" book, I was taken instead on a family baseball journey that was written with warmth and humor. Suddenly, I was barnstorming with Griffith, Graham, and Ruby. Magically, I was holding that special baseball.

Image from TitlePeek
Be sure to check out Phil's books, they are the real deal. Know that author visits make an impact on students . . . and me too, if I slow down and listen.