April 25, 2013

Wowsa . . . it was good.

WEMTA's annual conference was held this year in Madison, Wisconsin--beautiful place. Learning in Monona Terrace, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, was a pleasure. I especially enjoyed the photography exhibit depicting Wright as he explained organic architecture.

Photo from Liberty Lady
Madison is a walking town. I walked all over every chance I had.

Photos by Liberty Lady

So, what did I take away from this conference? Here is lesson #1:

Scott Meech spoke about Downers Grove 58's implementation of the SAMRi initiative and their transition to 1:1 computing. That's 9000 iPads in the hands of students! Wow.

If you haven't read about the different levels of technology implementation--you must. SAMR, designed by Ruben Puenteduralevels the playing field among teachers; encouraging reflection and meaningful implementation.

Photo from Downers Grove Art Teachers